ゼラ (Zera) announces new single “Uncanny Valley”

ゼラ (Zera) have announced the release of their 12th single “Uncanny Valley” for February 26. As always we have a little more information about the single for you, as well as some instore events and a oneman live tour to share with you, so we've collected all of our info in this post.

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リリカ (Lyrica) // Strange Rabbit: The world is poisoned

“Strange Rabbit” is the first single in リリカ (Lyrica)’s discography, and also a very strong start for the band, if we may say so ourselves. Being a band in the メンヘラ系 (Menhera Kei) genre does mean that there is more to their story for this single that meets the eye. And trust us when we say we were a little hesitant to share this review with you here in English because of the emotional topic this song discusses.

But, we also didn’t want to keep it from you, so in today’s review 雪 (Yuki) discusses the band’s first single in more detail!

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ゼラ (Zera) // MISSA: Claw marks engraved on the vast earth

Following the super theatrical single “Octavius”, ゼラ (Zera)’s 11th single “MISSA” has quite some shoes to fill. This time the single is not inspired by a legend, but does have a theme that is quite relevant in this day and age.

Will “MISSA” live up to the bar that “Octavius” set before it? 雪 (Yuki) couldn’t wait to dive into this single and tell you all about it!

View More ゼラ (Zera) // MISSA: Claw marks engraved on the vast earth

ゼラ (Zera) // Marionette Parade: Octavius

"Octavius" is the 10th single in ゼラ (Zera)’s discography so far. Released in February of 2024, the three songs on the single are inspired by the legend of the ship of ice, mixing horror and ヴィジュアル系 (Visual Kei) in a unique way with this concept.

In this review 雪 (Yuki) tells you all about the single as well as the legend that inspired it, so get your beverage of choice and let's dive right in!

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ゼラ (Zera) // New single “MISSA”

ゼラ (Zera) announced the release of their new single “MISSA” to be set for September 24. As always we have a little more information about the release as well as the nationwide tour that will follow it to share with you, so we’ve collected all of our info in this post.

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Deathpair // New mini-album “Despair”

Deathpair initially announced their first mini-album to be released on July 10, but the date has been moved to July 24 in the meantime. Regardless of the release date changing, we have more information to share so we tried to condense all of it in this article for you!

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ヒッチコック (Hitchcock) // New mini-album “サリドマイド”

ヒッチコック (Hitchcock)'s new mini album "サリドマイド" (Saridomaido/Thalidomide) will be released on June 12, 2024.
An instore live will be held to promote the release, but the band will also embark on a nationwide tour between June and August of 2024.

We would like to share some more information about the release as well as the tour within this post.

View More ヒッチコック (Hitchcock) // New mini-album “サリドマイド”

孔雀座 (QJACKTHE) // New live-limited single “MAYDAY//電脳サイコマン” & live shows

孔雀座 (QJACKTHE) have released their single “MAYDAY//電脳サイコマン” (MAYDAY/Dennou Psychoman) on September 29 already, but since this single is only available at live shows they wanted to highlight it a little better with a short preview video on YouTube, which also contained some (rather

View More 孔雀座 (QJACKTHE) // New live-limited single “MAYDAY//電脳サイコマン” & live shows

ゼラ (Zera) // The new single “マジュラス” (Majurasu) is planned for November

ゼラ (Zera) are about to release their new single, titled “マジュラス” (Majurasa), on November 16, 2022!

Before ゼラ (Zera) the group originally formed as a session band 麺はコシが命 (Menwa Koshi ga Inochi) in 2018, before turning into a time-limited project named “モア” (More) in April

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MEME // Reaching fans of horror with more than just music

You said it would be awesome if I could do an interview with L from MEME. And yes, I agree. That would be pretty awesome. So I set out to do just that. I asked L if he would be interested in doing an interview, and as you can probably conclude from this article being here now, the answer was a resounding “yes!”.

View More MEME // Reaching fans of horror with more than just music

MORRIGAN // “BLACK WING” European Tour

Tour organizer Kinetic Vibe already announced that the next artist they’d be touring through Europe with was going to be MORRIGAN, but at the time of the announcement they couldn’t publish any dates just yet.

Today they have, and the band is going to visit Italy, Germany, Czech Rebublic,

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Starwave Records // The label compilation DVD “Starwave Records Vol.4” is set to release in September

Starwave Records will release a new omnibus DVD, titled “Starwave Records Vol.4”, to commemorate the 5th anniversary of Starwave Records on September 9, 2015!
This will be the 4th omnibus release of the label since it was founded, and it will feature music videos from 11 different artists

View More Starwave Records // The label compilation DVD “Starwave Records Vol.4” is set to release in September