NIGHTMARE announces “The WORLD TOUR 極東乱心天國”

NIGHTMARE have announced the dates for their upcoming “The WORLD TOUR 極東乱心天國” (Kyokutou ranshin tenkoku) tour, taking place in January of 2025. In this post we listed all of the dates as well as ticket options to hopefully give you a bit of a head start for this tour!

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Y-xiz // A devil and a god on each end of the vertical axis

Y-xiz is a Stylish Hard Rock Band, existing out of vocalist yesk and guitarist You.. They are inspired by mythology, retro movies and theater, creating a sound that is rooted in hardrock - much like their description already suggests.

Their first single came out in February of 2023 and captivated us as soon as we saw it, but at that moment in time we chose to wait a little longer before asking them for an interview. And it's a good thing we did, because they had a lot of interesting answers to our questions! We can't wait to share their work with you today!

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3470.mon // “I started Visual Kei because I thought Visual Kei was the opposite”

Before we get to the actual contents of this post, we have to do a little bit of an introduction first. Since we’ll be doing something a little different than usual… The following interview was not conducted by us here at Arlequin Magazine, but by オザキケイト (Ozaki Keito) in late August of 2021.

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vistlip // It: An ‘admiration’ that will never be defeated

The ヴィジュアル系 (Visual Kei) genre has many, many artists. But some of them are more familiar names than others. And vistlip is one of those more familiar names. With 10 years to their name already the group has made it into the hearts of many fans, and onto the playlist of many listeners alike. Another fun fact

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vistlip // Two new singles and a DVD announced for the 10th anniversary

vistlip have been on the scene for quite some time already, long enough to celebrate their 10th anniversary this year. The group is quite popular both in Japan and overseas, which persuaded them to “strengthen their communication overseas”. “Since our early days we’ve

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