浅葱 (ASAGI) // New single “狐華火”

浅葱 (ASAGI) has revealed the details for his new solo single "狐華火" (Kitsune Hanabi). The single exists out of three different versions, but there's also other merchandise available specifically for this release. Since there is quite some information to share we've tried to condense everything in this post.

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縁 (Enishi) // Reveals details for first full album “旬華愁灯” (Syunkasyuutou)

Our friends from 縁 (Enishi) have revealed the details for their first full album “旬華愁灯” (Syunkasyuutou). This includes the artwork and tracklist for both editions of the release.

You can find these details below:

The Wizard Store edition comes with 12 songs, a live DVD containing a 25-minutes digest

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縁 (Enishi) // First full album 旬華灯 (Shunkasyutou) announced

Over the last few months 縁 (Enishi) have been releasing four different singles through both their live shows and David’s webshop, but according to SUI all copies of these singles have officially sold out.
This does give him the opportunity to make an announcement through his Twitter: 縁 (Enishi)

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浅葱 (ASAGI) // Japanese folklore in a musical format through “斑 (Madara)”

In the ヴィジュアル系 (Visual Kei) world the name “ASAGI” probably immediately makes you think of the vocalist from the popular band “D”, and even now you wouldn’t be wrong. But today we’re not going to talk about D, but about some of ASAGI’s other activities.

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縁 (Enishi) // Connecting the past with the future

Perhaps you’ve seen word going around about this small project on Twitter, but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this managed to sneak by you entirely either.

縁 (Enishi) was originally intended as a one-time-only session band lead by SUI, existing out of former members of Megaromania,

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龍-RYU- // “I don’t want to be a part of the masses, I want to be unique.”

Near the end of 2018 I spoke to 龍-RYU- about his now former project “OROCHI”, a project he had started 15 years ago to combine his love for music and traditional Japanese culture into a “samurai rock” band which had their first performance here in The Netherlands all the way back in 2011. (And various other

View More 龍-RYU- // “I don’t want to be a part of the masses, I want to be unique.”

ソメイヨシノ (Somei Yoshino) // ZEROSHIKI Euro Tour 2019 (support) at Musicon

During the “ZEROSHIKI Euro Tour 2019” ソメイヨシノ (Somei Yoshino) was the support act for ZEROSHIKI during their stop at the Musicon in Den Haag on October 7, where they played their show for the fans who had been waiting outside for most of the afternoon already.

We also went to check out their performance,

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SANA // Joining ソメイヨシノ (Somei Yoshino) as a special guest in Liège

Recently I already shared the news about the small European tour ソメイヨシノ (Somei Yoshino) would be doing this October, but Uknight just shared a little update for the show on October 13th, in Liège (Belgium)!

SANA, formally the guitarist of the visual kei band MASK, is now a solo musician with an amazing

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ソメイヨシノ (Somei Yoshino) // A special guest at ZEROSHIKI’s tour

AVO Magazine recently announced a show with ZEROSHIKI and DEFINE ME in the Musicon venue in Den Haag already (I’m just really late with sharing this news), but today there was a small edit to the lineup. Next to the Japanese alternative rock band ZEROSHIKI and the Czech rock band DEFINE ME another

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龍 (RYU) // Creating a worldwide online stage through the internet

The last time I got to speak to 龍 (RYU) was a little over two years ago already, in 2016 when he was at the OshareCon convention in Nieuwegein (The Netherlands). But 龍 (RYU) certainly hasn’t gone silent since that show. Instead he has started a new project, but instead of only making it available to Japan,

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游彩 (Yusai) // The conclusion of 游彩 (Yusai): “水屑となりて (Mikuzu to Narite)”

游彩 (Yusai) was actually created by the four remaining members of the band ジン (ZIN) after vocalist 唄 (Riku) suddenly withdrew from the band without any prior notice. In order to not have to cancel any shows guitarist Luy (now 雨音 類 (Amane Rui)) dropped his position as guitarist and took the stage as a replacement

View More 游彩 (Yusai) // The conclusion of 游彩 (Yusai): “水屑となりて (Mikuzu to Narite)”

游彩 (Yusai) // 雨 (Ame): I heard the sound of the rain falling endlessly

After their powerful first release “アイラク偽心” (Airaku Gishin) 游彩 (Yusai) are already following it up with their second single. While the first single very much had a feeling of “fire” all over it, this second single has a calmer approach. And like the name already suggests, the inspiration

View More 游彩 (Yusai) // 雨 (Ame): I heard the sound of the rain falling endlessly