MIRAI // “Music crosses borders.”

It’s been a while since we last featured Angels’ Temptation, but that doesn’t mean the members have just been sitting around and doing nothing. Our last time featuring them unfortunately had some sad news about a member leaving the group, and it has been a bit quiet in terms of new music coming from the

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Fleur Tentation Petit // The new mini-album “Amethyst” is planned for October

Fleur Tentation Petit are about to release their new mini-album, titled “Amethyst”, on October 30, 2022!

Fleur Tentation exists out of vocalist Hana, who is also the illustrator for all of the artwork and video material, and MIRAI, who you might recognize as the vocalist of Angels’

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Angels’ Temptation // Keyboardist Shion will leave the group

Shion has announced that she will be leaving her position as the keyboard player of Angels’ Temptation after the performance at 埼玉会館公 (Saitama Hall) on August 11, 2022.

Angels’ Temptation have made a special page on their website with comments from both Shion, the other members of the

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MIRAI // A message to “My Dear”

You might remember the interview I did in early January, in which I introduced you to MIRAI, Hideki, YURI, Shion and Rio’s work as Angels’ Temptation.
Angels’ Temptation is fairly unique in the ヴィジュアル系 (Visual Kei) scene because despite all members being from Japan, their style

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Angels’ Temptation // “As angels, we support you.”

Angels’ Temptation is still a relatively new band on the scene, starting their very first activities on their YouTube channel in November of 2018, and releasing their very first digital single “Fallen Angel” in July of 2020. So that’s quite some time between the very first

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Mr.SunFace // Combining street culture and graffiti with fashion

If you’re familiar with DaizyStripper you probably know まゆ (Mayu) as the lead guitarist of the band. But did you know that he recently jumped into a completely different project that has nothing to do with the band? He recently launched his very own clothing label Mr.SunFace!

The very first collection,

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砂月-SATSUKI- // “BE YOURSELF” European Tour 2019 at AnimeCon

During his “BE YOURSELF” European Tour 2019 砂月-SATSUKI- stopped at AnimeCon in Rotterdam on June 15 to play his show for the fans who were visiting the convention.

We also went to check out his performance, and took some photos while we were there. You can find these photos on our portfolio, Arlequin Photography,

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砂月-SATSUKI- // “BE YOURSELF Tour 2019” in Europe

砂月-SATSUKI- will be returning to Europe with the help of tour organizer HIGHFeeL in mid-June, for a total of 8 shows in 5 different countries between June 14 and June 30.

After the release of his digital single “BE YOURSELF” last May, 砂月-SATSUKI- demonstrated once again how diverse his

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砂月-SATSUKI- // “REBOOT” European Tour 2018 at TomoCon

During his “REBOOT” European Tour 2018 砂月-SATSUKI- stopped at TomoCon in Oss on April 7 to play his show for the fans who had been waiting outside for most of the afternoon already.

We also went to check out his performance, and took some photos while we were there. You can find these photos on our portfolio,

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砂月-SATSUKI- // “EPOCALIPSE” European Tour 2016 at OshareCon

During his “EPOCALIPSE” European Tour 2016 砂月-SATSUKI- stopped at OshareCon in Nieuwegein on March 19 to play his show for the fans visiting the convention.

We also went to check out his performance, and took some photos while we were there. You can find these photos on our portfolio, Arlequin

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砂月-SATSUKI- // “I like being here at OshareCon because Oshare expresses happiness in Japan.”

The last time we spoke to 砂月-SATSUKI- was at the end of 2014, when he was on tour to promote his new album “Squall of Emotions”. In that interview he already said that he gained a lot of inspiration from this tour, and that clearly wasn’t a statement to keep people happy. 砂月-SATSUKI- is currently back in Europe

View More 砂月-SATSUKI- // “I like being here at OshareCon because Oshare expresses happiness in Japan.”

砂月-SATSUKI- // “Squall of Emotions” Europe Tour 2014 at P60

During his “Squall of Emotions” European tour 砂月-SATSUKI- stopped at P60 in Amstelveen on December 6 to play his show for the fans who had been waiting outside for most of the afternoon already.

We also went to check out his performance, and took some photos while we were there. You can find these photos

View More 砂月-SATSUKI- // “Squall of Emotions” Europe Tour 2014 at P60